Friday, June 8, 2007

Do you have a goal?

I think it's very important to have goals. If you aren't getting better, you're probably getting worse.
I've found that three things help me accomplish my goals, writing it down, telling a friend, and getting encouragement.
Writing it down gives you a sense of commitment to your goal. It makes it more real to you, sometimes writing a goal and putting it where you see it daily is all you need.
Telling a friend your goal is a little harder. By letting someone else know, you're really commiting to the idea, because if you don't reach it, your friends will know. Fear of failure is the number one reason to not tell a friend. But, remember this, without telling a friend, you'll never get the next help, encouragement.
Studies have shown that people who try to quit smoking on their own are less likely to quit than people who find support. We all need a pat on the back once in a while, a little cheering on.
Well, I found a website that helps you reach your goals by using these keys. It's called My list is at . You write a list of goals, and you get to check them off when you're done. You can network with others that are trying to accomplish the same things, and you can cheer each other on. You can leave comments on how you're doing, and when you've reached your goal, you can leave comments on how you did it.
I hope everyone has at least one goal they're reaching for whether personal, financial, physical, or spiritual. If you don't have a goal written down, go write it somewhere. If you make a list on 43 things, let me know, so I can cheer you on.
Here's to hoping everyone meets their goals.

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