Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Why am I up so early?

I admit it, I am a night owl. Given the chance, I will always opt to stay up till 2am. But, I know it's not good for me, and I can see my mood getting worse when I do, so I try to go to bed by 11 each night.

This week, I've been working on Ebay and here, and the kids want the computer during the day. So I have been on the computer, staying up much later than I should.

Last night, I made a concerted effort to get to bed by 10. I made the announcement at dinner, I gave a 30 minute warning at 9:30, and I forced everyone to bed by 10:10. Yes, I was 10 minutes late, but if you know me, that's not bad at all.

I was asleep before I hit the pillow, probably as a result of the sleep debt I'd incurred. And, I woke up at 4:15 am.

I thought that I just needed to go to the bathroom, so I did and crawled back under the covers. But, I soon realized that I just wasn't tired anymore. I laid there until 4:56, and decided that it was pointless. I was awake, I might as well get moving.

So, I got up and checked my auctions, my e-mail, and my FlyLady reminders. It's now 7 and the rest of the family is up (except dd who would sleep till 1 every day if I let her).

Now that hubby isn't in the bedroom, I can go and make my bed and get dressed for the day. Then there's the morning routine of unloading the dishwasher and starting the laundry. We're testing for home school in three weeks, so I have a lot of reviewing with the kids...I guess I need to get moving.

Hope everyone has a productive day.

My only question is, what time should I go to bed tonight?

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