Monday, August 13, 2007

Just a Little Laundry Tip

This is the month when FLYLady reinforces our laundry habit. I've been keeping up with mine for over a year now, and it is great. When I started trying to keep up with it daily, I had a problem. Maybe you're having the same one.

I sorted laundry the way my mother taught me, lights, darks, delicates. But, when I started doing a load or two a day, I kept ending up with these left over small loads. I am water conscious, so I hated doing half loads.

Well, I started something that really helps. I take the laundry for the day and start the lightest things I have. It doesn't matter if I would call them light or medium, just the lightest, then I do a darkest load. I keep rotating between lightest and darkest and eventually I'm left with is medium.

I do admit that I sometimes I leave that last little bit of medium for two or three days. Sometimes when I realize something has been there for a while, I do a medium load. But, for the most part, my half loads are non-existent.

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