Monday, August 20, 2007

You Know Best What Your Kids Need

I hope that none of you feel that I am one of the moms described in this newsweek article.

I am writing this blog, not to toot my own horn or to make you feel inferior. I do not think that my way of doing things is the only way. And, I don't think I'm self-absorbed. In fact, I feel I am writing this, because I want to help other moms.

If I have ever given the impression that I think there is one perfect way to raise your children, I deeply apologize, that has never been my intent. I fully believe that each mother knows what is best for her own children. And, whether or not she realizes it, she is accountable for the way they turn out. (I'm not minimizing Dads and their responsibilities, but I'm talking to the Moms right now.) Whether your children grow up to be doctors or bank robbers won't effect my life in a measurable way, but it will change your life.

If FlyLady, your mother, your best friend, your hairstylist, or I give you advice, it is your responsibility to decide if it will work for your family. I will never call anyone names, and I will never get into an argument over which parenting style is best. Whatever you feel good about is the right choice for you.

Please, take the time to get, not self-absorbed, but self-aware. If you haven't taken the time to try the FLYlady system, please do. It's really not about cleaning your house, it's about Finally Loving Yourself. Every Mom needs that.

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