Saturday, June 2, 2007

20 Year High School Reunion - Vanguard High, Ocala, FL 1987

My 20 year reunion is coming up. I won’t be attending. I would like to, but it is $90/per person. My husband and I could go to Disney for that much. It’s not that there aren’t people there I would like to see, it’s that I can’t see paying that much to see them.

I really didn’t want to give out my real name here, but I was the only Beverly in that class. They got my last name wrong on the paperwork that was sent out by the reunion committee, if you drop the “ry” at the end of the name they have for me, you’ll get my real last name. If you see this, and you’re from the class of 1987, leave a comment, I’d love to hear from you.

Actually, I don’t live that far from Ocala now, I moved back almost 5 years ago. I’m about 30 miles north, in the middle of nowhere on a lake. I have three acres, and I really like the slower pace. But, I also go shopping in Ocala every other week, because I take my mom to the store. My parents now live in my grandmother’s old house, and my sister lives in their house. She still has my old phone number, if you can believe that.

My daughter said we should just go to town and sit outside the place where the dinner is and say hi to the people going in. Wouldn’t that be a statement? What do you wear for such an occasion? Do you dress up so they know you can, or do you wear shopping clothes so they think it is a coincidence? Although, if you want them to think it’s a coincidence, you probably shouldn’t blog about it.

A special “Hi” to all the people I’m thinking about from school:

Adam Firrone
Steven Ruisi
Alan Smith
Robert Branch
Laurie Hannan
Jane Demarest
Lisa Mulkey
Stephanie (Bauer) Mosier
Debbie Pitman
Geoff Mossberg (even though he moved away before graduation)
Ryan Remencus (who was a year younger, and too smart for his own good)

Unfortunately, I don’t know the girl’s married names except for Stephanie, and I probably spelled that wrong. I figure it doesn’t really matter since no one is reading this anyway.

Well wishes to all who graduated this year (wink to Josh and Bekah), and to those oldie but goodies from VHS c/o ’87. Go Knights!


Anonymous said...

I just happened upon your site while googling old high school names. It was a treat reading about your life and happiness.
Geoff visited me about three years ago - he is married to Serena and has a couple of children and was living near Atlanta. I haven't seen Adam or Steve since about 1990.
- Alan

Contented said...

I'm so glad to hear from you. My son reads internet comics, and I tell him that if he ever sees one about diggin' in the dirt, he has to tell me right away.
Hope your life is happy too.